Informations for clients
The Group Projects System is a service supporting organization of work within the scheme of group project class at Gdansk University of Technology Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics.
The project proposals can be submitted by Department partners and a work progress is controlled by supervisors assigned by a faculty coordinator. Projects submitted by a potential client are included on the list of project proposals of a faculty, which would manifest interest in them. When a subject is chosen by the students, a project realization contract is being signed. It regulates conditions of an ordered project fulfilment by the project team and its content-related, legal and financial accounting.
Vice-dean for cooperation and promotion Professor Paweł Czarnul (, tel. +48 58 347 12 88) and a proper project supervisor, in agreement with the head of the faculty (more about cooperation conditions of companies with Gdansk University of Technology Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics:, are responsible for the project realization contract.
Please refer questions and remarks to departmental coordinator - PhD Eng Krzysztof Nowicki, on the address, phone +48 58 347 18 59, or to service administrator on the address