13@DBE'2021 Supporting the safety of people and car intelligence with the use of automatic pedestrian detection in thermal image sequences
project type: application
edition: 2021
Piotr Szczuko (Konsorcjum AI Tech - Akademia innowacyjnych zastosowań technologii cyfrowych)
number of students in project 3 - 5
manager: Aleksandra Górska
The project's main objective is using automatic pedestrian detection in thermal imaging for creation,
implementation and evaluation of a system designed for improving pedestrian safety and car intelligence.
The system consists of a hardware part (camera Lepton Flir 3.5, FLIR Lepton Smart I/O Module -
PureThermal 2, computer module Google Coral and protective cases for the camera and computer
module), the software part (a program for data acquisition and implemented AI algorithms for pedestrian
detection) and created dataset (thermal images collected and annotated by team members)
Iga Namiotko |
Martyna Włoszczyńska |
Aleksandra Górska |
Aleksandra Wędołowska |
Patrycja Guzal |
Semester 1 |
Semester 2 |
Presentation / Documentation
Semester 1 |
Semester 2 |