3@DCA'2019 Crowdsourcing application for machine learning

project type: classic

edition: 2019

number of students in project 3 - 5

manager: Agata Krauzewicz

The aim of the project is to develop and implement mechanisms allowing deep machine learning based on the crowdsourcing-gathered learning data. The network should detect bees on a video stream. The bees on a learning set should be tagged by the users of a game (or other application). The users should also verify correctness of detection made on a validation set. Task distribution to the users should be done using CenHive system.

Tasks for students:

  1. Getting familiar with CenHive system

  2. Development of neural network

  3. Project and implementation of crowdsourcing-based system for data preparation

  4. Tests and validation of the proposed solution


Agata Krauzewicz
Łukasz Łepek
Mateusz Kujawski
Paweł Andrzejewski
Paweł Kowalewski

Presentation / Documentation

Semester 1 : No presentation
Semester 2 : No presentation